Halloween — Photo Credit: Matthew Henry/Burst


Lori C Evans


By Lori C. Evans

When the full moon peeks
through fall cloud drifts and
one stray moonbeam shines,

then old bones stir
in the graveyard grounds.
They clatter and rattle their spines.

Moon madness calls!
They rise from the earth,
gaunt hands and feet reach higher.

With clacking jaws
they whisper words.
What is it they desire?

They creak and crack
as they creep in the dark,
Collecting by a tomb.

When suddenly
loud music throbs,
dispelling all the gloom.

“That’s what we want,
a music fest!”
They all let out a cheer!

It’s Ossi Osbone
on the mic.
He’s back again this year.

His backing band,
Black Scapula,
thrills with a wall of sound.

The guitar screams,
the bass pulsates.
the drums, they thump and pound!

They’ve waited long
to bang their heads,
to slam and mosh all night.

They pop and crunk.
They oscillate.
They dance with sheer delight!

Then as the faintest
rays of rose
begin to tint the skies,

the skeletons
return to ground
with happy gleaming eyes.

The next day,
if you walk nearby,
there’s nothing to be seen.

But listen closely
and you’ll hear,
“See you next Halloween!”

This lovely online writing contest was created by agent/author Kaitlyn Sanchez and co-hosted by author/artist Lydia Lukidis. Judges are several publishing agents and prizes are things like critiques of works or a space in a writing/publishing class. I entered the above story. Cross my fingers I win some kind of little prize. Winners will be announced in early November. And whether or not I win anything, I hope you enjoy the story. I had great fun writing it!



Lori C Evans

Piano teacher, musician, composer, poet, children’s lit writer